In this instance, The Onion sums up the week far better than I can.
Read moreMonth: April 2013
IA Summit Review (part 3 of N)
Onto the the next of my three major take-aways from Karen McGrane’s fabulous IA Summit closing keynote. Major Take-Away #2 or “The Role of the Lovable Fool” Next Karen had a slide with “skill” (may not have been that exact word) on one axis and “likability” on the other. She began by observing that people…
Read moreIA Summit Review (part 2 of N)
Onto the 3 major take-aways from Karen McGrane’s fabulous IA Summit closing keynote. These aren’t necessarily in the order they were covered in her presentation, as I’m working from memory and spotty notes–but one of the things that stands out to me about this talk is how vividly I recall key points, which I think…
Read moreIA Summit Review (part 1 of N)
I’m home from the IA Summit in Baltimore and am still processing what a great event it was! (And I’m already chomping at the bit to book a flight for next year’s event–Sea World here we come!) This conference tends to be a highlight for me on an annual basis but like all events that you…
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Introducing Sift
I’m delighted to announce that I am formally changing the name of my consulting firm from BaileySorts to SiftUX effective today with the launch of my new website: SiftUX. While I will continue to provide solo consulting, the new name reflects a shift in focus toward more partnership and team-based work efforts that will enable…
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