- Great remedial article well worth reading–4 forgotten principles of usability testing
- Insights on productivity from Joss Whedon, who must be doing something right…http://www.fastcocreate.com/1683167/how-to-be-prolific-guidelines-for-getting-it-done-from-joss-whedon
- Fast Company has a great piece called “You Tell Me if This Word Processing App is Worth $15 Million. .http://www.fastcodesign.com/1673153/you-tell-me-if-this-word-processing-app-is-worth-15-million#1 Here’s the best line: Because the alternative–and it’s a pretty dark one, I warn you–is that the Valley is filled with so many absurdly rich people who are living in such a removed caste of society that they’ve forgotten what real problems look like.
But far and away the best news of the week (so far) is that Kathy Sierra is blogging again!